The Multimodal Language & Literacy Narrative
During Phase 1, you will study a variety of texts and ideas and practice skills like rhetorical reading, narrative writing, self-reflection, and analyzing social/political forces in writing. Among other smaller assignments, you will compose two Language & Literacy Narratives, one spoken and one written.
Note: you should have access to all readings and all assignments every class (in print or on your laptop/phone). This is because we’ll likely refer back to previous assignments/readings.
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Homework Due BEFORE Class
In-Class Topics/Goals
Week 1 — Thursday, 1/25
- Familiarize yourself with Google Classroom (GC) and our course site.
- Introductions
- Syllabus Review
- Transparent Grading
Week 2 — Tuesday, 1/30
- Complete and submit to GC the “Questionnaire”
- View video: “A Guide to Annotating Texts.”
- Read “Rhetoric and Rhetorical Situations” handout.
- Read Hughes’s “Theme for English B”
- Building Community
- Rhetorical Concepts
- Annotating Readings
- Hughes’s Poem
Week 2 — Thursday, 2/1
- Read and annotate Tan’s “Mother Tongue.”
- Complete and submit to GC a “Rhetorical Situation Worksheet” for Tan.
- Write and submit to GC a 1-page response to Tan. What parts resonate with you most? Why?
- Tan’s Rhetorical Situation
- “Charting” texts for what they do
- Introduce Phase 1 Assignment
Week 3 — Tuesday, 2/6
- View video: Saleem’s “Why I Keep Speaking Up…”
- Complete and submit to GC the “Language and Literacy Narrative Brainstorms” worksheet.
- Saleem’s Rhetorical Situation
- View video: “My Spanish,” Lozada-Oliva
- Workshop LLN brainstorms
- Discuss the WLLN Cover Letter & SLLN Presentation
- Audience Analysis
Week 4 — Thursday, 2/8
(Note: we’ll be meeting on Zoom!)
- Read and annotate Jordan’s “Nobody Mean More to Me Than You…”
- Complete and submit to GC a “Rhetorical Situation Worksheet” for Jordan.
- Write a 1 page snapshot of 1 meaningful moment in your language and/or literacy experiences. Print 2 copies and bring to class.
- Jordan’s Rhetorical Situation
- Practice Charting (Charting a Text Worksheet)
- Workshop snapshots (peer review)
Week 5 — Tuesday, 2/13
- Read Norton’s “Writing a Literacy Narrative” (pages 28-34).
- Write and submit to GC a full draft of your Written L&L Narrative (at least 2.5 pages long). Print 2 copies and bring to class.
- Writing a L&L narrative and making larger connections
- Analyze Model Narrative
- Workshop drafts
Week 5 — Thursday, 2/15
- Write a full draft of your Spoken L&L Narrative. Practice it a few times (ideally with a friend/classmate/family member) and revise it at least once. Be ready to practice it with peers and email yourself any files you need.
- View video: “3 Ways to speak English,” Jamila Lyiscott
- Sign up for SLLN presentation
- Assign peer review groups
- Workshop SLLNs
Week 6 —Tuesday, 2/20
- Revise and submit to GC your WLLN based on peer feedback.
- Introduce Phase 2 Assignment
- Brainstorm ideas for Phase 2
Week 7 — Tuesday, 2/27
- Read and give feedback on one of your peer’s essays using the “Take-Home Peer Review” worksheet. Both email your worksheet to your peer and submit your worksheet to GC.
- SLLN Presentation Group 1
- Discuss connections
Week 7 — Thursday, 2/29
- Review your peer’s feedback. Make revisions to your Written L&L Narrative in response to that feedback.
- Work on your Cover Letter.
- SLLN Presentation Group 2
- Discuss connections
Week 7 — Friday, 3/1
- Revise and polish the final draft of your Written L&L Narrative. Then, write and paste your Cover Letter at the beginning of your document. Submit to both GC and Blackboard.